Sunday, February 8, 2009

All ready to go to church....

Here we are on our first Sunday of Harvest Bible Chapel Granger. Mike left home really early, so Graham took these pictures of the girls and me.
We had a wonderful church service today. There were about 250 people there and we are praying that more will come next week. It was very exciting to see the welcoming team, children's ministry team, and worship team all in action. I am certain that God "showed up"....I know I was convicted about some things during the sermon. Trent preached from Exodus 33....about how we want the glory of God revealed each week in our church. The music and the message were both very powerful! We would really appreciate your continued prayers as we continue to grow and develop as a church.
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1 comment:

Robyn said...

You three look so beautiful! And matching! The girls are growing up so quickly!
Love y'all!